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[M] Manuscript writing support system for researchers based on hypertext list of their achievements オンラインリソース

(出版日: 2008-08-04)
https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11932/28454 Web

コレクション: NIMS成果物
形態: オンラインリソース オンラインリソース
言語: English
ページ数と大きさ: 5 p. (520 - 524)
識別子: Handle URI: https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11932/28454

A method is presented for shortening the time needed to prepare research papers and slides. The key is to enhance the searchability of related documents previously written by the author and stored in a PC. It is achieved by employing a hypertext list of the author's achievements, each item of which includes links to related files and web sites. Such a list was constructed with the aid of reference management software (BIBTeX) and a scripting language (Ruby). Automatic incorporation in the author's home page makes it easy to disseminate the author's achievements.


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